Highmountain Emissary & tonight brings some Timewalking Black Temple-raid with the guild.
I feel a pressure coming on. I have no clue what happens in Black Temple because I have never, ever raided it. Well, obviously I've done some transmogs runs in it but that's one shot and all done. I have a strong feeling that will not be the case today! And since I am the tank in our raid team ... the pressure is stronger (for me). I hope they will not hate me too much when I fuck everything up!
Now on the afternoon I've completed the daily Emissary which was with the Highmountan Tribe. As usual, shit in the chest.
But since it is wednesday today I got my Class Hall chest all goldy and glowy - waiting to be opened by me.
Unfortunately it is hard to get better items in the chests, no matter what chests it is, when you have 900+ item level on all your stuff. And since we "only" did a +9 yesterday, it wasn't hard to figure that the item in the chest will not please me enough to replace something I've already got. But it's still fun to open it, who knows. It is still a slight chance to get titanforge, a legendary and so on.
Atleast I got the pretty Argus to look at from time to time. I wonder if I will ever like that ugly mount created by corpses. Ugh.
/Nykaría-Darkspear Btw, don't wish me luck in todays raid - it feels like I am cheating then.